Before I give up on this totally, wanted to ask if anyone hads any experience or information regarding Trigger Points. I think mine are causing some of my migraines. If you do, please post, thanks.
OK, it does seem no one reads this, so it might as well go. Before I pull it, one more try to see if anyone has the same problem as me. Does anyone have IBS and/or Migraine to go with their Fibro (CFS/ME, its all the same) I would love to know. I cant decide if my migraines are a cause or effect. And I had IBS for years before either the Migraine, and later the FMS hit. Last chance.... Thanks.
Given no one reads this as far as I can tell, and I don't always feel like talking to myself, I think I will shut this down. I had hoped I might meet some other people encumbered with this crappy illness, but it seems not. So unless anyone begs me....form a line to the keep this blog. In a few days, it goes.