fibro you tube

What is it like to have FMS/CF/ME?

A gift

Tuesday 11 November 2008

New friend.

I am so pleased that I have found a new friend who has Fibro and migraines.
Well obviously I am not pleased for her, but its good to not feel so alone.
Okay she is 3000 miles away, but she likes dogs and is very friendly.
I'll take that.

So who is next to join us......


Fiona (Phebes) said...

That is good news that you have found a new friend who you can empathise with, I have Osteoporisis and Rhematoid Arthritus and I just sometimes only sometimes want to scream!

BUT I don't/won't let it get me!
not never not no how!

take care Pen.
love Phebes or Fiona as I appear on Facebook!
I watched the video and I take my hat off to you. I really do.

Pen said...

Thanks Phebes.
You are welcome here too.
Pain is pain.!!!!