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Monday, 13 July 2009

Swine Flu

I am sick of hearing about his with the half information they give us.
I think it might be better if they told people to be worried, then they might take better hygiene precautions.

People are dying from this thing and there is a wonderful idea to have Swine Flu parities, to get it over with. That's fine for the really healthy people, but who might you pass it on to. AND do you know if you have an underlying health problem??

I am desperate not to get it. I just don't need any more migraines.
when I had the flu at Christmas i had a terrible head for days.
Also with the Fibro I might get it worse with a lowered immune system....
Again the flu pulled me down for weeks....
Will somebody please level with us all....


Jan C said...

I just found out my new hair dresser has firomyalgia. She has 3 active girls, husband, beauty salon in basement, sells some beauty products. I admire her, she explained to me, that when she gets tired or her immune system is down and gets ill, she does not take appointments for hair. She is so good and funny, that I work around that. On top of all that she goes to curves(where I met her)when she can to build up her muscles in get in better shape. It makes my brother in laws girlfriend who also has fibro look really bad. She lays on the couch with a heated rice bag and a blanket on her and moans. This must be a terrible thing to live with, but I admire Phyllis(hairdresser)so much, and I know you fight this all the time, this makes me feel bad, when after Jim died and even now, I give in the total exhaustion I feel some of the time, I know it is emotional and I will try to fight it more. I just wanted to tell you I admire you for all you do with migrains and fibro.

Pen said...

You are very sweet to say this Jan. Thank you. My best to Phyllis.

It is a challenge, and not a fun one.
I could deal with the Fibro, but I cant deal with the migraines....
And yes, tired all the time....
Hope you are coping better...