fibro you tube

What is it like to have FMS/CF/ME?

A gift

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

New friend.

I am so pleased that I have found a new friend who has Fibro and migraines.
Well obviously I am not pleased for her, but its good to not feel so alone.
Okay she is 3000 miles away, but she likes dogs and is very friendly.
I'll take that.

So who is next to join us......

Friday, 7 November 2008

At last

At last a comment from other poor soul who has Fibro and migraines, especially with these awful Trigger Points.
Perhaps we can help each other, that's what I am about, finding a way out of this.
If there is anyone else too shy to comment. Please do, at least now you wont be the first.

Monday, 22 September 2008

Trigger Points

Before I give up on this totally, wanted to ask if anyone hads any experience or information regarding Trigger Points. I think mine are causing some of my migraines.
If you do, please post, thanks.

Friday, 12 September 2008

IBS. Migraine

OK, it does seem no one reads this, so it might as well go.
Before I pull it, one more try to see if anyone has the same problem as me.
Does anyone have IBS and/or Migraine to go with their Fibro (CFS/ME, its all the same)
I would love to know. I cant decide if my migraines are a cause or effect.
And I had IBS for years before either the Migraine, and later the FMS hit.
Last chance....

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Closing down

Given no one reads this as far as I can tell, and I don't always feel like talking to myself, I think I will shut this down.
I had hoped I might meet some other people encumbered with this crappy illness, but it seems not.
So unless anyone begs me....form a line to the keep this blog.
In a few days, it goes.

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Back again

I cant believe I have pulled my back again. this is twice in as many weeks.
this time it seems to be worse, and what was I doing.....nothing.
this also follows pulling my neck, reading the paper....
this is bizarre not to mention painful.

I guess I have FMS to thank for this, but given I have no medical advice/assistance, how would i know?

Like having brittle bones of the muscles.....

Thursday, 7 August 2008

No weight loss.

I am truly disappointed. We got this Wii machine and although I cant use it every day I have been trying to use it as much as I can.
Everyone has lost weight and lowered BMI except me.!!!!!!
Not an ounce.
Now I wasn't expecting a huge change, but after6 weeks and this providing at the very least more exercise than I was getting......
I don't understand it.
It isnt what I eat, and everyone said "you need more exercise".

Seems that isn't it either.....
Why cant I shift this blob around my middle....

Monday, 14 July 2008

Reverse Therapy/Mickel Therapy

These are the wonder treatments for Fibro ME etc.
They work on the presumption that the Hypothalamus is responsible for all our problems. Anyone tried these things....i have and am interested to hear from anyone else who has. So assuming anyone ever reads this blog.....if you have used it, or are just curious, please leave a message after the tone.

Friday, 27 June 2008

Not much to say

FMS wise I havent been doing too badly. Pulled my neck somehow...again.
the humidity is making my muscles a bit less than happy, but all in all....

Writing a Blog can be quite cathartic, but it is a shame more people dont feel inclined to comment. I figure if it isnt a private blog then its open to comments.
I know a Blog on FMS isnt going to attract much passing trade, but it would still be nice to find out who if anyone apart from my family read this.
Don't be shy.

Monday, 16 June 2008


My daughters got this Wii machine and it tests how "old" you are in fitness terms....when I first did it I was 80. Well wasn't that a turn on???
I like the bowling, I used to love to bowl, but hitting homers is tough on my arm muscles. Anyway one of my better days i got down to 27.....fantastic.
Beat my own kids....but now I am 45. Seems to be how good my muscles are; not a lot to do with actual fitness. I just wish it would help me lose some weight.
We are waiting for the Wii fit which Nintendo seem to be hiding somewhere or holding back to tease us. That might be fun, ....or not!!

Monday, 9 June 2008

One on one off.

So after my near normal day yesterday, here we go again.
It always seem to be like this.
Did I overdo it. In a normal life no.
Gardened for an hour. Spent most of the afternoon sitting and sometimes playing with Charlotte. Called a friend and walked the dog. Didn't even cook dinner, we slummed it on McD.
So what did I do wrong???
I have these better moments, but the hang by a gossamer thread and slip away so easily.
so today will be a "couch" day. Cant get out and finish the garden, cant really do anything. My stomach is upset ,my muscles ache, my head is really bad and I am Tired.
Is this real life.
What did I do this time??

Sunday, 8 June 2008

What a work out.

I can only guess how my muscles might be groaning by tomorrow morning.
I spent 3 hours with my family this afternoon and played with my grand daughter.
She had me dancing chasing her and all sorts. I know I will suffer for it, but what the Hell, I ache anyway.
Pretty good day all round. No migraine, head not too bad, and managed to play with the little one.
As for tomorrow this space.

Thursday, 5 June 2008


So today I am aching badly from doing the "fitness"!!! test on the Wii.
I am supposed to exercise to help my muscles but I cant do it more than once because it hurts so badly the next day. How do you get fit, stay fit and lose weight....

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Aching all over and then some

Fibromyalgia is the most stupid disease. Half the world have never heard of it, and the other half dont believe it exists. yet I have it!!!
What a relief it was to get a diagnosis after 5 years of thinking I was crazy.
What a bummer to find there is nothing that can be done.
So join me if you will in trying to make sense of FMS.