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What is it like to have FMS/CF/ME?

A gift

Monday 9 June 2008

One on one off.

So after my near normal day yesterday, here we go again.
It always seem to be like this.
Did I overdo it. In a normal life no.
Gardened for an hour. Spent most of the afternoon sitting and sometimes playing with Charlotte. Called a friend and walked the dog. Didn't even cook dinner, we slummed it on McD.
So what did I do wrong???
I have these better moments, but the hang by a gossamer thread and slip away so easily.
so today will be a "couch" day. Cant get out and finish the garden, cant really do anything. My stomach is upset ,my muscles ache, my head is really bad and I am Tired.
Is this real life.
What did I do this time??

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