fibro you tube

What is it like to have FMS/CF/ME?

A gift

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Aching all over and then some

Fibromyalgia is the most stupid disease. Half the world have never heard of it, and the other half dont believe it exists. yet I have it!!!
What a relief it was to get a diagnosis after 5 years of thinking I was crazy.
What a bummer to find there is nothing that can be done.
So join me if you will in trying to make sense of FMS.


cosmicdust said...

Hello, Pen.
It's me, MM from Ronda's. I have migraines and fibro too, so I understand what you write here very well! Hope you are having a good day today. I had a fairly good day yesterday, and even went out to lunch with the girls. So far, I'm not paying for it today yet!
(cosmicdust at Blogspot)
My blog is called eatdrinkandbehairy at blogspot.

Pen said...

Thanks for stopping by, I am pleased to meet a fellow dual sufferer, although not pleased you suffer of course.
I am not so bad FMS wise thank you , but have had migraine since last Friday and pig sick of it.
will go take a look at your blog if I may.